Friday, November 20, 2020

On the beginning of Sküllfükk Satänik Slüts...

Introduction to me and my band:

I am Eric, though here I will go by my publicly shared alter-ego, Vödkamizer, a name given to me by a friend while drinking and discussing the concept of an alcohol themed fantasy MMORPG. I play in a band in Estonia called Sküllfükk Satänik Slüts or 'Sküllfükk SS' for short (we used to go by the latter publicly but social media does not like it so we have to spell out the full name).

    The concept of my band came to me originally around 2013 while I was filling in as rhythm guitar in the bands Tapper and Ulguränd. It was going to be my take on underground black/thrash. Heavily inspired by movies like Heavy Metal, Return of The Living Dead, Apocalypse Now, and so forth... but I was too shit on guitar to even begin writing music. I shelved the idea for years.
    My world saw a lot of pain and struggle in the second half of 2017 and I ended up on a drinking binge that lasted months. During it, I met a musician (who we now call Motörbreath) online who happened to live in the same town as me, though he is from Iceland. I got particularly drunk and pissed off one night during the long winter and I hit him up pitching the idea to start a 'black/death/speed metal' band, taking a lot of inspiration from the Aussie bands Deströyer 666, Vomitor, Gospel of The Horns, and so forth.
  We met up a couple weeks after the discussion and began working on music and concepts, both clicking very well with the Heavy Metal and Mad Max approach to writing lyrics. Describing alcoholic apocalyptic wasteland orgy hordes and murderous dominatrix queens in our lyrics and creating an image for the band based on that world. I pitched him the name which I originally came up with when first conceptualizing the project and he went for it.

    Over the next year we did not see much activity but we did end up with 4 written songs. One we wrote together, one which I wrote myself, and two which he wrote. He is very much the superior musician and has a lot more experience in almost all the required fields in order to make a band happen. I had a lot of drive, ideas, contacts, and live experience to put in the mix. We recruited a drummer who I already had years of experience playing with and we gave him the name Beerhämmer with a promise that the band plays 'speed metal. like the band Chrome Division' which was a big fat lie.

    We play our own brand of speed metal. Stealing heavily from older bands like Motörhead, Tank, Piledriver, Venom, Girlschool. Later bands like Abigail, Shitfucker, GG Allin (and his however many bands), The Accüsed, Deströyer 666, Vomitor, Gospel of The Horns, and so many more. If we like a song, we are likely to find a way to rip it off without anyone even noticing the similarities.

    I go very much by the philosophy that there is no point in spending so much time trying to be original when you can just rip off all the bands you love. And they did it too. There is not a band out there that is decently successful that doesn't reference another artist or band in its music so we just took that idea and added a bit more to it by often straight up copying a riff here and there, or referencing lyrics from a song we love, maybe change a couple words here and there to fit our own theme better.
    And one thing we definitely love to rip off is imagery. There is not a single image we have that does not reference something else. A huge inspiration on our visual aesthetic is from the movie 'Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS' which pushed us further into the BDSM aesthetic as well as lyrical themes, though we do not limit ourselves to this. If Motörbreath or I come up with an idea, we pitch it to the other and see how it feels. If we both aren't into it, it gets tossed in the trash where it belongs. If we can't convince our own members that it is a good idea then it never will be good for anyone else.


    Throughout 2018 and 2019 we spent most time working on songs, costume design, and so forth and starting in 2019 we took to the stage. We were very well received locally and for our first public gig we decided 'fükk it' and put a bunch of shitty rehearsal reference recordings on cassette tapes and sold them to sükkers as a 'rehearsal demo'. The whole idea was just so that we had something to present at our first gig. They sold out immediately as we only made like... 20 of them. A bunch of them were faulty even but we got most fixed.

    Since starting live we have played only a handful of concerts. Our first gig ever was a test concert at an underground music festival called 'Kurista Kurimuusika' which is invite-only so it was a great place to showcase our shit. After that we have had 3 concerts in Tartu, 1 in Tallinn, and we were fortunate enough to be the first band to play at 2020's Hard Rock Laager metal festival. The festival was big for us as it was the best promotion we could get at this time and it was during fükking 2020. We are lucky enough to be one of the relatively few bands in the world that was able to play gigs during 2020.

    We have scammed people out of money with our t-shirt scheme. Come up with sikk designs and watch the sheep flock with all their money. Now we are expanding into patches and working on a split album, a demo album, a full length album, and more.

We'll see how long we can keep this shit up. - Vödkamizer

Photos by 
Erlend Staub, Rauno Vahtre, and Muumi Photography

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