Interview with Wroth Desecrator (growls/guitar) and Kädi Eitar (screeches/possession of audience) of Estonian Black/Death Metal band Süngehel
L: Wroth Desecrator. R: Kädi Eitar.Vödkamizer: Infernal hailz and demonic flails to you! I met you two originally around 2010 or 2011 at Tallinn's legendary drunkard hangout, Hirve Park when the band was simply a concept. So far, you have come a long way since then, with international concerts, three full length albums and an EP. When the band first started hitting the stages around Estonia, there was a lot of buzz about the use of pig heads, cow heads, blood, burning bibles, etc. It brought a whole new standard of stage presence and demonstration to the Estonian extreme underground in my personal opinion. Can you each tell us a bit about what drives and influences you when it comes to putting this extra effort into stage presence, immersion, and imagery?
Wroth Desecrator: Hails. Yeah, back in the day we used pig and lamb and even cow heads on stage a lot. We did more stuff like burning bibles and doing some evil spells between song etc. Nowadays we put more emphasis on just playing, not to use too many stage props anymore. So creating dark atmosphere with our own blasting energy. Pure evil and total destruction!
Kädi: Hails. Personally I don't recall meeting you at the park but I do remember those days. Regarding imagery for me it is important to immerse myself and the audience within the energies projected from the music and atmosphere. The carcasses, spikes and chains etc help to ease the immersion for us and the listener. And that itself is already my drive and insipiration - to pull victims to the pit.
Vödkamizer: Your lyrics largely revolve around Satan, Anti-Christianity, Hatred, and all the other staples of a balanced black/death metal goat worshipping diet. Are there any particular influences for these themes from either books, movies, history, etc.? And what motivates this focus on hatred and anti-Christianity for you personally?
Wroth Desecrator: Built up anger and hatred is the main source material for all the themes and lyrics. Horror movies and books and other things are for extra (enjoyable) inspiration. Overwhelming hatred for humanity.
Kädi: Most of the lyrical themes are done by Wroth. For the themes themselves we find inspirations from general evil of mankind.
Vödkamizer: You have amassed quite a network of contacts with internationally renowned kvlt favorite bands, many of which you have stated in the past have had a large influence in the direction of your music. Who are some of the names that you are particularly close with and fond of and can we expect any future work with any of these bands, possibly bringing them to the area or gigs with them in the future?
Wroth Desecrator: Yeah, mostly the maniacs from Finland and Baltics who we shared stages with have stayed good contacts with us. Basically we organize Satanic Winter where we have invited them and will do in the future.
Kädi: Throughout the existence there have been influences from the whole globe but mainly we are bonded to the Finnish scene. We do organize and plan to have gigs here and there with our northern brothers and sisters.
Vödkamizer: With a strong 8+ years of activity in the band and many concerts and festivals under your bullet belts, what have been some highlights and interesting stories from your journey into inferno?
Wroth Desecrator: Barathrum concert in 2013 is one of our earliest highlights; warming for Loits in 2016, Celebration of the Black Goat album presentation in Snakehouse with Bestia and Cavus (from Finland) and a special guest vocalist Anders (Forgotten Sunrise) covering Mayhem's "Deathcrush" with us; 2017 Hard Rock Laager; 2019 was a big year for us, as all gigs were very memorable, we got the chance to warm for Taake and MGLA and going on tour through Baltics, Poland, Czech Republic and Finland. There have been many gigs, drinking and chaotic moments.
Kädi: Definitely the Barathrum concert in Tapper. They managed to fuck (literally fucked) our prepared pig heads and we got credits for it.
Vödkamizer: Starting any band can be quite a struggle and releasing consistent and meaningful music can be challenging for many. What are some words of advice you have for young musicians interested in starting an extreme metal band that you wish you had heard when you both started your musical endeavors?
Wroth Desecrator: First shitty gigs are the best learning experience, then you'll know if you really want to do this.
Kädi: Don't do it. Do something meaningful with your life... paint a house or something - stay out of the music biz. If you are still interested then just stick to what you like to do - there are no shortcuts along the way.
Vödkamizer: Your third and most recent full length album, "Throne of The Desolator" was released in March of 2020, a bit before the Covid-19 restrictions started taking place. Has the virus had much impact on your progress since then and how has it affected your lives and productivity overall?
Wroth Desecrator: We keep doing rehearsals, writing new material. Although gigs have cancelled, Süngehel never stops. Total Süngehel Massacre!
Kädi: A couple concerts abroad were cancelled but otherwise black metal still lives underground.
Vödkamizer: The metal scene in Estonia has gone through many changes and ups and downs over the years. What are your opinions of its current state and trajectory and what are some of the bands you find particularly promising?
Wroth Desecrator: There are so many new bands lately, seems like every month something new gets released. I would have to mention Koffin, interesting project Scathophagidae. Both of them gave impressive live shows past year.
Kädi: The scene is much more alive than ten years ago. More active bands and more listeners. I personally like the Tartu band Form. Baalzebub and Hymenotomy are currently pop in my eyes.
Vödkamizer: In the Tartu metal scene there is a newcomer goat metal band known as "Ziegenhorn" which has released a solid demo album in 2019 and taken to the stage for the first time during the second half of 2020 and they seem vocal and aimed at dethroning you as the goat masters of Estonia. What do you each have to say regarding the challenge from these young blasphemers?
Wroth Desecrator: Who?
Kädi: Kiss my sweet hairy balls and get gud.
Vödkamizer: 2020 has been a tough year for many bands but in Estonia it has been a bit easier as concerts have been possible during the warmer seasons. Do you have any particular plans lined up for 2021 you care to share?
Wroth Desecrator: Writing new blashpemous riffs and hellblasting beats. We miss doing live rituals.
Kädi: We are open for suggestions. Some talks have been made but nothing concrete.
Vödkamizer: Are there any shout outs, thanks, or acknowledgements you'd like to make before we end the interview?
Wroth Desecrator: Hail the Goat! Total Süngehel Massacre!!!
Kädi: Hail Satan! Hail Süngehel! Ziegehorn can suck my balls.
Vödkamizer: Thank you both very much for taking the time to answer my drunken ponderings! I look forward to the next time we drink and hope to fükk shit up on stage with you again soon!
Wroth Desecrator: Cheers!
Kädi: Thank you for the opportunity to express ourselves.
Süngehel's stuff:
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